With a heart full of commitment and ongoing passion for our community, I want to continue serving you and our neighbors the next four years. I firmly believe that my experience and my dedication can impact the well-being of our community for the better.
— Idelma Quintana


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  • As Stephen Covey so eloquently described, "Change Happens At The Speed of Trust." As your Commissioner, I am dedicated to fostering an environment where trust is the foundation upon which we build our future. True leadership extends beyond the mere stewardship of the physical space within our boundaries—it's about cultivating trust and ensuring that every decision made reflects the voices and needs of our residents. Our commitment to Asset-Based Community Development is rooted in leveraging the strengths of our diverse community to foster inclusive growth and genuine belonging. By prioritizing the development of resources and opportunities that benefit all, particularly full-time residents, we reinforce our dedication to a government that serves the people, first and foremost.

  • Every family in Hollywood deserves a place to call home—a sanctuary that is safe, affordable and where they may experience living with dignity. My commitment to you is to advocate for the respectful redevelopment of our existing neighborhoods and the thoughtful revitalization of our transit-oriented and commercial corridors. At the heart of my efforts as a Commissioner is the commitment to advocate for development projects that cater to our residents who live and work in Hollywood year-round. Luxury developments have their place, but my focus is on creating quality, reasonably priced housing options for those earning an average income, ensuring that development benefits are accessible to all, not just a few. This approach not only meets the immediate needs of our community but also strengthens the foundation for a thriving, sustainable Hollywood that respects and revitalizes our neighborhoods in a manner that reflects the desires of our true stakeholders—the residents.

  • Sustainability is at the heart of our city's resilience. My vision for Hollywood includes not only high-tech innovations but also low-tech, community-based solutions that enhance our environmental and economic resilience. From promoting nature-based solutions to fostering prosperity through sustainability, we are working towards a future where our community and its natural surroundings flourish together.

  • True well-being extends beyond traditional health care—it encompasses social, mental, and environmental health. Our initiatives in arts and lifelong learning are not just enrichments; they are essential components of a healthy community. By fostering spaces for human connection, creativity, and mindfulness, we enhance community well-being in profound ways. Our focus on Mindful Community Circles and other supportive programs illustrates our commitment to health as a comprehensive, accessible way of life and system that uplifts every resident, ensuring that community wellness is at the heart of our governance.

  • In order for our city to be successful we must have a diverse business community. The landscape should include national companies and franchises, but we should ensure exceptional support for the small, locally owned businesses that, along with our unique neighborhoods, make Hollywood a special place. Our own experience with a family-owned local business led to working with other small businesses to create the Johnson Street Business District and The Party On The J - International Music, Food & Art Festival. The most successful small businesses are those that have strong relationships with their customers and community. Through those strong relationships those businesses come to understand what their customers need and want, and they work hard to build trust and rapport.This strong relationship builds loyalty among local customers. Our people and our City’s economic development benefit from elevating small local businesses.